Welcome to Appling County's Student Candidate Field Experience Page
The Appling County School District partners with colleges and universities in the preparation of pre-teacher field experiences. Our focus is to engage in the collaboration of connecting the right student with the right mentor teacher to ensure a positive field experience. It is our goal that all individuals have equal access to meaningful learning opportunities throughout their experiences in Appling County Schools.
G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N:
Pre-teacher preparation includes field experiences inclusive of observations, practicums, internships, and student teaching. These services provide the opportunity for college student candidates to be mentored by effective mentors to assist in developing the knowledge, skills and dispositions deemed essential to become effective professional educators. We will make all efforts to grant specific requests. However, placements are based upon availability and are not guaranteed.
P R O S P E C T I V E S T U D E N T S:
Do not contact individual schools or principals to request field experience placements. Contact the student placement advisor at your respective university to begin the placement request process.
U N I V E R S I T Y :
All colleges/universities must have a current signed contractual agreement with Appling County Schools before a placement can be secured. This document must be signed by both the College Dean and Appling County Superintendent before it is deemed valid.
The University student placement advisor should complete and submit the Student Candidate Field Experience Request form to Appling County Board of Education Human Resources.
R E Q U I R E M E N T S:
- University Contract Agreement Form
- Current Background Check
- Student Candidate Field Experience Request Form (Fill-In)
- Research Proposal and Permission Request Form-Non Student Teaching Requests (Fill-In)
The certificate is issued to a candidate enrolled in an educator preparation program and who has successfully completed a background check conducted by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. The bearer of this certificate is in-field to participate in supervised field experience, clinical practice, student teaching, or residency work consistent with requirements of his/her educator preparation program. We are unable to place any student candidate who does not have a Pre-Service Certificate.
For more information, please contact:
Denise Rentz, HR & Title IX Director
Phone: 912.367.8600 ext.120
Fax: 912.367.1011