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Appling County School District


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Transportation Building



For your safety, we have established the following rules for individuals and groups who ride Appling County school buses. You are expected to follow these rules at ALL times. Students are also governed by their appropriate school’s “Student Handbook.” You are reminded that riding an Appling County school bus is a privilege; an infraction of the rules may result in discontinuation of riding privileges.

  1. Follow all directions willingly given by the driver the first time. Show respect for the driver and others on the bus.
  2. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated or allowed.
  3. Remain seated, keeping all parts of your body inside the bus at all times. Seat assignments will be at the discretion of the driver. Classroom conversation and conduct will be observed by all individuals riding Appling County School Buses.
  4. When entering or exiting the bus, students must remain in view of the driver. Exit only at the assigned stop, and always cross in front of the bus.
  5. Harmful objects and/or vandalism are not acceptable and will not be allowed.
  6. Emergency evacuation drills will apply in the event of an actual emergency.
  7. Boys in front and Girls in back of the bus. Male and Female students are not allowed to sit together while being transported on Appling County School buses.
  8. Eating is allowed, but at the discretion of the driver. Students can lose their privilege for not following the rules.  All drinks must have a screw or lid (no fountain drinks).  All paper must be put into the trash located at the front and rear of buses.  If the bus is not clean you will be responsible for the cost of cleaning the bus.
Richard Riddle
Sadie Russell
Malcolm Hall
Shop Foreman/Mechanic
Shane Reeves