Title I Parent and Family Engagement
Title I Parent and Family Engagement
Family Engagement involves parents and family members participating in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication regarding student academic learning and other school activities. This includes ensuring that parents actively support their child's learning, are encouraged to be involved in their child's education, are partners in decision-making, and participate in advisory committees. Additionally, it involves carrying out activities outlined in Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Parent and Family Engagement Survey Information:
As we strive to enhance Parent and Family Engagement in the Appling County School System, we aim to assess how well the schools and district are meeting the needs of families. By completing this survey, you will help assess the effectiveness of our Parent and Family Engagement Program. All responses are confidential and will aid in planning future parent and family engagement activities. Your feedback is valuable, and we appreciate your time in completing this survey. The survey will be accessible annually in the spring semester.
Annual Title I District Parent and Family Engagement Survey:
The Appling County Parent & Family Engagement webpage offers resources to assist families in supporting their children's academic success. It also provides Title I information and opportunities for feedback. Appling County Elementary Complex, Altamaha Elementary School, Fourth District Elementary School, Appling County Middle School, and Appling County High School are all Title I schools. Families are encouraged to share suggestions to enhance our Title I programs and plans. Together, we can make a positive impact! The survey will be accessible annually in the spring semester.
As a part of Title I Program, all schools in the Appling County School System are provided with Parent and Family Engagement Coordinators to assist in keeping parents/families engaged in their child's education.
Appling County Elementary Complex
Principal-Mrs. Tammy Pendarvis
Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator-Ms. Cheryl Barlow
Altamaha Elementary School
Principal-Dr. Rhonda Hollis
Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator-Mrs. Gretchen Miles
Fourth District Elementary School
Principal-Mr. Garrett Cranford
Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator-Mrs. Jessica Edenfield
Appling County Middle School
Principal-Dr. Cathy Campbell
Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator-Dr. Pamela Johnson
Appling County High School
Principal-Dr. Ben Horner
Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator-Mr. David Cole
Appling County School System
District Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator-Ms. Jaclyn Hernandez jaclyn.hernandez@appling.k12.ga.us
District Policies
ACSS FY25 PFE Policy (English)
ACSS FY25 PFE Policy (Spanish)
Parent Newsletters
ACSS Parent Newsletters (English)
ACSS Parent Newsletters (Spanish)