Student Services
Every child of school attendance age should attend school on a regular basis in order to maximize his/her educational opportunities. Students who are absent from school may never regain some of the experiences which take place during their absences.
The goals of attendance law and school attendance policy are to give children as much instruction time as possible and to have them present for required testing. A parent whose child is at school, on time, stays the full length school day, and has no more than 5 unexcused or 10 total absences for the year will have no problem with attendance laws or policies.
Absences and Attendance
Effective July 1, 2012, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) will be responsible for collecting home school Declaration of Intent forms (DOI) and yearly attendance reports. To enroll your child in home school, please check out the Declaration of Intent link below:
Student Accident - Incident Report Form -
Driver's License
School Admissions- Kinship Caregiver Affidavit Form
Student Enrollment
Title IX, Part A: McKinney- Vento Homeless