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Appling County School District

Special Education

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In accordance with IDEA/504 regulations, the Appling County School system seeks to ensure that all disabled students (ages birth-21) who are in need of special education, or Section 504 services within its jurisdiction are identified, located, and evaluated, including those attending private school and home school. Final identification of students with disabilities and programming for such students occurs only after an appropriate evaluation and a determination by a Multidisciplinary Placement Team.

If the "child find" process indicates that a student may require special education/504 and supportive services in order to benefit from regular education, the student shall be referred to the Multidisciplinary Placement Team to determine the student's eligibility for special education services/504.

If you know a child with a disability that is not being served or suspect that a child has a disability, please notify the Appling County Special Education Department.


Pam Thomas
Sebrina Wilkerson



Karen Tharpe