Title I, Part C – Education of Migratory Children
The purpose of the Education of Migratory Children Program (MEP) is to provide supplemental educational services to eligible migratory children (age three to their 22nd birthday) whom have not attained either a high school diploma or High School Equivalency Diploma (GED). As defined in and in accordance with the state’s Service Delivery Plan, all local educational agencies (LEAs) that have identified migratory children with unmet needs are expected to implement supplemental instructional and/or support services, during the regular school year and summer months, using funds awarded directly to Appling County by the Georgia Department of Education or available through the state migratory consortium at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. Eligible migratory students to be served include preschool age participants (home or facility based), students enrolled in grades K-12, and students aged 16-21 not enrolled in school (out-of-school youth) and drop outs. Due to the unique needs of migratory children and youth, Appling County School District is required to closely monitor the needs of all participants residing in the District of Appling County. For more information contact: Dr. Norma Nunez-Cortes, Title I, Part C Coordinator, norma.cortes@appling.k12.ga.us, 912-367-8600 Extension 111.
Information and Resources